
Adding a new recipe to Alpro.com


To add a (new) recipe to the website, following info is needed:
(if info is not shared, the fallback content in English will be shown.)

(Shared for all countries) = Content/settings are shared for all countries and can not be changed for one market to be different than other markets. When adding a completely new product that is not yet available in any other market, this info is required to publish the product online.

Recipe Title

You can choose to translate the product title, or keep the English name.


The url of the recipe is always formed on the hand of the recipe title, except for languages with special characters.
If you would like to choose your slug yourself, you can send us your proposal.

Keep in mind that slugs can not contain capital letters, accents, special characters or spaces. Spaces are always replaced by '-'

    Recipe title: Soft Oat Cookies

    Slug: soft-oat-cookies

The image of the recipe will fallback be the English (UK) image. Since some countries use different products in a recipe than the fallback one, you can replace the fallback image by an image without packshot, or with another packshot (the one that is used in your country). It's important to share the bynderlink* of the image.+

* Bynderlink is needed because there are no manual uploads possible in the CMS system of the website.

Cooking Time (Shared for all countries)

The cooking time includes all the time from start to finish. Cooking time is displayed as an icon.

Recipe Ingredients

Share the list with all the needed ingredients to make the recipe (Alpro products included). The ingredient list can also be devided in sections (example for 'toppings:' ...)

Preparation Instructions

Share all the diferent steps that are needed to prepare the recipe. 

* You must translate the same number of steps like the master recipe. We can not add or delete steps for one country only, this is shared content for all websites. Means that if we add one extra step in your language, it will appear on all other websites in your language.

Recipe Tips

Each recipe can have on or more tip. Tips are always to make the recipe better, in a different way, add a twist or skip/replace ingredients. Or tips can also help you on how to serve or store the dish.

* Recipe tips can not be added or deleted for one country only. This content is shared for all countires. Means that if we add one extra step in your language, it will appear on all other websites in your language. 

Filter Categories

You can add as many filters as you like. The more you add, the more your recipe will be found.

AlmondGluten Free
BakingCashewLactose Free
Oven DishesSoya
Pasta Dishes





Recipe Icons

As icons for your recipe, you can choose from all the recipe filters (see above). The use of icons is limited per recipe, but the content is not shared. Means that fallback the English icons will be shown, unless you choose some yourself.

Used Alpro Product

Share all the used Alpro products in this recipe, minimum one product is required.
Keep in mind that this product needs to be online for your country.

Under each recipe, related recipes are displayed*. Mostly those are ingredients made with the same product, or recipes in the same category (all smoothies or all pasta dishes for example). Fallback this is setup for all countries the same, but if you realy want to, you can fill this in for your country specific.

* You can choose from all the recipes that are online for your country. Recipes not online in your country will logically not be shown in this slider

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